Secondary Level Devlog 1.1.4

For planning secondary level designs, I looked at various cat videos for inspiration. I feel a good starting point for a secondary level design would be an outdoor setting, most likely a backyard. From here, there would be a lot that the player (or cat) could explore and parkour. There are many potential points of navigation the player could face here, such as:

                Trying to jump from a car to the roof of the house

                Avoiding slipping off the roof

                Jumping from trash cans to the shed

                Trying to walk along the fence

                Chasing birds/squirrels

                Avoiding water (sprinkler and pond)


There may also end up being encounters/sounds that would frighten the cat causing the player to temporarily lose control.

For the level layout, the player would likely be bound to the yard by the fence and would be unable to go beyond, but would have free reign to explore the yard and outside of the house. As the secondary level is developed, it may branch into multiple levels. We may include different seasons, one outside during the summer, then one during the winter. That way, there may be weather hazards, like ice and snow, that could make parkour more difficult.

As far as assets that could be included:

House exterior




Lawn Mower





Patio Furniture


There may be more assets as well, as we populate the area to make it feel flushed with detail. Challenges will include making an environment that looks natural, but is interactive enough that the player has lots of things they can climb on, and as many different paths to choose from so the player has options on how they want to get up to the roof.

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