Level Devlog 1.4.6

Super huge update on visuals based on feedback

During the playtest, it seemed like the level seemed a little too ugly during their playthrough of my level. It was ugly in a sense that the lightning and different coloring on a lot of things were very off due to using unity's natural lighting from the skybox. So I changed that and many different things 

Wrote down my own personal notes on what I want to finish for the level so I can go on and create a bigger environment for the next level in the next semester.
Made windows to show the sunsetting theme and platforms were added under as I realized there was a lot of videos of cats laying down and enjoying the sun hitting their bodies.

Created a collectible script for the "Num Nums" and now the main objective of the level is to collect all of them hidden within the level. I decided to do this because it seemed to easy for people just to walk and jump to the kitchen counter. AS A TUTORIAL LEVEL, I do want it to be some sort of easy to it but not that easy for you to just jump and collect that singular item.

As well as added a particle system to make players aware of the objective.

Added pillows to the couches, playtesters suggested to me that I should add pillows to the couch so that it doesn't look so empty.

Added actual food and water to the cat bowl.

I did a majority of the stuff over Thanksgiving break with the collectible script being the latest thing I have done after playing through the level and testing the lightning multiple times and it taking literal HOURS to auto-generate and bake the lightmaps for some reason.

Overall, I feel like I'm close to ending this level and starting a new one. This level in a sense is an explorative tutorial level that provides players a basic experience in the coming levels. I do hope you all enjoy the new and improved looks of the level that I provided.


Cat Crash Compilations.zip 99 MB
97 days ago

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